Over the past few years, the Network played a pivotal role in advancing advocacy and policy efforts, achieving significant milestones such as:

  • Increasing and restoring state afterschool funding to provide greater financial support for afterschool providers to increase the quality of essential afterschool services to families.
  • Laying the groundwork for universal afterschool to expand access to every New Yorker by leading efforts to conduct a universal afterschool feasibility study.
  • Removing administrative and structural challenges that make it more difficult for afterschool programs to provide essential services.
  • Championing recommendations to improve afterschool state contract processes to create systems that work with and for afterschool providers.

This work is made possible by contributions from our Policy Partners.

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Thank you to our Policy Partners!


Afterschool, summer, expanded learning time, and other expanded learning opportunities,  including those as components of community schools, that provide students with additional learning and enrichment outside traditional school hours play a crucial role for New York families and students.

These programs are in high demand across the state, however, many children and youth who would participate in a program are unable to due to a lack of availability. This forces parents into difficult choices between safety and employment, depriving an estimated 1.1 million students of the chance to be supported in their intellectual, social, and emotional development.

New York’s patchwork of funding sources and oversight creates incredible opportunities for some and leaves other areas with few programs. We have some of the best programs in the nation, but no comprehensive assessment of the return on the state’s investment and limited capacity to share best practices across the state, especially outside New York City.

The Network for Youth Success seeks to increase access to programs for all students in need of a safe place to learn when school is not in session and to ensure that those programs are offering high-quality services. We make recommendations related to federal and state funding for expanded learning opportunities, provide testimony in support of those recommendations, track the history of public funding, and keep the media informed of important issues in this field.