Research has shown that high-quality programs contribute to long-term positive outcomes for youth, therefore the Network for Youth Success is dedicated to providing resources and opportunities to assist providers with quality improvement. Likewise, programs must be sustainable to offer those long-term benefits. The following resources and opportunities are offered in this section of to assist providers in achieving sustainable, high-quality programs.
- Quality Self-Assessment (QSA) Tool: This tool for afterschool program providers allows for self-assessment across ten elements as part of a continuous quality improvement process.
- School-Age Care Credential: This credential promotes quality services to children and families by providing specific standards, training, and evaluation for afterschool professionals. Individuals may obtain their credential by taking the course, working with an advisor, and completing an in-person observation and evaluation by an endorser. The credential meets the education requirements for a Site Director as required by the school-age child care regulations.
- Program Accreditation: This accreditation is the ultimate indication of program quality. Sites that undergo accreditation work towards meeting a set of quality standards with a coach and are then certified by an endorser. Participation in the accreditation process helps sites build sustainable quality and share their success through a public certification.
- Digest Archive: The Network for Youth Success provides a monthly newsletter of news, research, and resources for the field. Past copies are available here, and receive future copies by signing up for the listserv.
- Funding and Sustainability: Local and national resources on funding opportunities and practices to lead to sustainable programs.
- School-Community Partnerships: Many expanded learning opportunities work in or with schools and research shows that alignment between programs and schools contributes to positive outcomes for youth. This section offers a guide to developing a high-quality partnership as well as an overview of current practices in the state and related policy recommendations.
- Start a Program: Resources of specific use to those providers that are looking to start a new high-quality, sustainable program.
- Regulations: New York State regulates afterschool programs through school-age child care regulations. Most afterschool programs must be registered under these regulations that outline health and safety practices as well as some programmatic practices.
- Useful Websites: National, state, and local organizations with resources for expanded learning opportunities.
- Helpful E-Newsletters: Electronic newsletters that contain relevant information for expanded learning opportunity providers.