We now offer Health and Safety for SAC Staff
and Health and Safety for SAC Directors!

Health and Safety for SAC Directors
Directors are responsible for hiring, training, and maintaining staff who provide a healthy
and safe environment for children. This course will help directors look at policies and
procedures that reinforce high-quality health and safety practices. Directors will get the
most out of this training if they bring a copy of the policies and procedures from their
Next Courses:
January 2025
Wednesday, January 15
Thursday, January 16
Wednesday, January 22
Thursday, January 23
Wednesday, January 29
Thursday, January 30
Time: 6:30pm-9:30pm
This is a six day course. You must attend all sessions.
Instructor: Diane Shirley
Cost $325.00
Location: This is a Virtual Event
To enroll in any health and safety course, participants must make payment (using the link policies link) AND register (using the registration link for the appropriate date). Registration is not complete until both parts have been completed.
Can’t find a NYSNYS class that works for you? See what our partners are offering.
DEKs Consulting (Clinton, NY)
Diane Shirley- October/November 2024
Health and Safety for SAC Staff
All program staff in New York State-licensed or registered Day Care Centers and School-Age
Child Care programs are required to complete training in all of the federal training topic areas.
Health and Safety: Competencies in Child Care for Day Care Center and School-Age Child
Care Program Staff is one way for staff to satisfy this requirement. (Alternatively, staff may
choose to complete the five-hour online training, Foundations in Health and Safety e-Learning to
satisfy this training requirement.) All individuals taking this class must be newly hired by or
actively working in a Day Care Center or School-Age Child Care program, and their program’s
license or registration number needs to be included on the roster. This training can also provide a comprehensive and up-to-date review for more experienced providers.
Note: The 15-hour Health and Safety: Competencies in Child Care for Day Care Center
and School-Age Child Care Programs course is the only classroom course approved
by OCFS to enable Day Care Center and School-Age Child Care program staff to meet
the federal training requirements under the Child Care Development Block Grant
(CCDBG) Act of 2014; staff may choose to complete the five-hour Foundations in Health
& Safety eLearning course instead of the 15-hour classroom course to meet the training
requirements under the CCDBG.
• The 15-hour Health and Safety: Competencies in Child Care for Day Care Center,
School-Age Child Care, and Legally Exempt Group Directors course is the only
course approved by OCFS to enable directors who are hired after September 30, 2017,
in these modalities of care to meet the federal training requirements under the CCDBG.