I. The Invitation

The New York State Network for Youth Success invites innovative, creative, and engaging presenters interested in sharing proven and promising practices and strategies in afterschool, summer, expanded learning, and community schools to submit a proposal to present at the 2017 Annual Conference to be held Friday, March 31 through Saturday, April 1, 2017. This year’s conference will be held in Saratoga Springs, NY.

Embassy Suites

86 Congress St

Saratoga Springs, NY 12866

II. The Selection Process

The Network for Youth Success is looking for workshops that address important issues in youth development focusing on social and emotional learning of young people. As always, we will be providing specific tracks for front-line staff, supervisors, and director level professionals. If you have a workshop that is applicable to one of these tracks, please make that selection in the proposal.

Submissions will be evaluated on the following:

  • Relevance of the topic to the conference’s agenda;
  • Potential for practical application of workshop content;
  • Potential impact of workshop on afterschool professionals;
  • The quality (clarity, accuracy, and comprehensiveness of responses) of the proposal submitted.

III. Workshop Topics

The Conference Committee, with feedback from conference attendees, has identified a number of workshop topics to offer at the 2017 Annual Conference. Please consider submitting a workshop proposal for one of the following topics:

  • Social and Emotional Learning
  • Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM)
  • Guiding Children’s Behaviors
  • Advocacy
  • Program Sustainability
  • Program Quality Improvement
  • Leadership Development for Professionals
  • Family Engagement

*The committee will consider workshops that do not fit into these tracks. The tracks are meant to ensure diverse representation of popular topics, and are not meant to limit submissions.

Workshop length: 90 minutes

Workshop capacity: 30-50 attendees, up to 30 for hands-on workshops

Presentations will be selected by the Conference Committee and selected presenters will be notified no later than November 11, 2016.

Selection Process and Timeline

Task Due Date
Completed proposals submitted to the Network for Youth Success October 21, 2016
Selected presenters notified November 11, 2016
Conference registration opens Early December

IV. Terms of Agreement

The conference registration fee will be waived for primary presenters but co-presenters are required to be paid registrants of the conference. A link to the conference registration will be provided in the workshop acceptance email.

A projector and screen will be available for use by the presenter, but each presenter is responsible for supplying his or her own computer.

* A copy of this proposal will be emailed to you upon submission.