Regional Networks

IMG_9319-300x200The New York State Network for Youth Success supports the capacity-building of afterschool programs at the local level through regional afterschool networks. There are currently 15 regional networks throughout the state affiliated with the Network for Youth Success. In addition, the Network for Youth Success works closely with leading afterschool stakeholders in New York City.

Regional networks help share best practices and coordinate local professional development resources for programs and providers. Regional networks also provide effective means to distribute information and engage programs and parents on state and local policy issues.

All afterschool program providers and stakeholders are invited to participate in regional afterschool networks. By joining a regional afterschool network, members have access to both regional and statewide networking and professional development opportunities.

Check out the map of our regional networks!

To learn more about the Network for Youth Success-affiliated Regional Networks, please visit:

If you are interested in forming a regional afterschool network in your community, contact the Network for Youth Success by e-mail or by phone at (518) 694-0660.