Congratulations! You have accomplished an important step in your continued search for professional development and growth. Renewing your School-Age Care Credential indicates that you are committed to the best practices for school-age care and are willing to continue that commitment.
This webpage contains important information and instructions in regard to the renewal process. Please be sure to read it very carefully.
It is very important to renew your credential if you are planning to continue a career in School-Age Care, if you are interested in strengthening your skills in the field or, if you need to maintain compliance with OCFS regulations for your program.
A Credential must be renewed every three years to remain current and valid. Expectations As you read through this packet, take note of all of the documentation and items that you will need to submit for this phase of your renewal. Your entire packet is due by the expiration date on your credential certificate. You must submit the entire packet utilizing one of the links below.
You must submit the renewal fee of $150.00 either by personal check, money order, credit card, or EIP award with your packet. Individuals paying with EIP who are deferred or do not meet the criteria for renewal, will be responsible for paying EIP back. Checks and money orders can be mailed to Network for Youth Success, 415 River Street, Troy, NY 12180. Renewal packets will not be processed until payment is received.
- Review the requirements for Direct Care Professionals and Advanced Professionals, using the links below.
- Choose which renewal packet to complete and fill out the form.
A. Choose Direct Care Professional if you are currently working directly with children. Ex: Counselors, Group Leaders, Site Directors
B. Choose Advanced Professional if you are no longer working directly with children, but are still in the afterschool field. Ex: Administration, Educators, Coaches, Endorsers, Advisors, etc. - Submit all required documentation using the link you selected. Please note, you must have all of your paperwork to submit, as there is no option to save your work and return.
- Submit payment.
Want More Details? Watch the Video Below.
Note: 00:00-4:17 is an overview. For advanced professionals watch the overview and then skip to 27:15.
Contact New York State Network for Youth Success at 518.486.8567 or Erin@NetworkForYouthSuccess.org
Scholarship funding to participate in this training may be available through the Educational Incentive Program (EIP). For more information or to apply for a scholarship, please visit www.ecetp.pdp.albany.edu. You may also contact EIP by email at eip@albany.edu, or by phone at either (800) 295-9616 or (518) 442-6575.
For directions on how to apply go HERE.