
Invest in yourself and your organization!
Now, more than ever, it is important that you make yourself a priority.

Please review the table below to learn more about the benefits of being a Network for Youth Success Membership!

To pay via check, call or email Erin at 518.694.0660 or Erin@NetworkForYouthSuccess

1-Year Individual: $50

3-Year Individual: $120

  • Bi-weekly e-Newsletter with professional development opportunities
  • Monthly membership e-Newsletters regarding grant opportunities
  • Timely information on policies and regulations impacting out-of-school time
  • $20 discount to the School’s Out, Make it Count! Annual Conference
  • NEW: Access to the ACI Specialty Benefits Assistance Program, including invaluable financial, mental health, legal, administrative, and wellness services that cover total well-being for you AND anyone in your household [Watch this one-minute video to learn more]
  • Regional and state networking opportunities
  • Access to our 15 Regional Networks
  • Eligible to be join our board
  • Benefits subject to change. 

1-Year Organizational:

$450 (2-10), $675 (11-15), $900 (16-20),$2,000 (21-50), $2,750 (51-75) , $3300 (76-100)

  • Bi-weekly e-Newsletter with professional development opportunities
  • Monthly membership e-Newsletters regarding grant opportunities
  • Timely information on policies and regulations impacting out-of-school time
  • $20 discount to the School’s Out, Make it Count! Annual Conference
  • NEW: Access to the ACI Specialty Benefits Assistance Program, including invaluable financial, mental health, legal, administrative, and wellness services that cover total well-being for the specified members and anyone in their household [Watch this one-minute video to learn more]
  • Regional and state networking opportunities
  • Access to our 15 Regional Networks
  • Eligible to join our board
  • $150 discount on ONE NEW program accreditation endorsement
  • 1 hour of over the phone technical assistance session
  • Membership seal
  • Marketing at our School’s Out, Make it Count! Annual Conference
  • Opportunity to join our sign-on letter efforts during the state’s legislative session
  • Wider audience to announce job postings
  • Up to 50% off many NYSNYS training offerings.  Contact Timothy for more info.
  • Significantly reduced price for the True Colors Training facilitated by Timothy Fowler, Email Timothy for more info.
  • Benefits subject to change. 

The Network for Youth Success is the New York Affiliate of the National AfterShool Association.  NAA and its State Affiliates share a mutual purpose and agreement to support, develop, and advocate for Out-of-School Time professionals and the profession.  NAA and its State Affiliates build connectivity among stakeholders and create opportunities for engagement to ensure a vibrant future for the Out-of-School Time profession.  OST professionals who are not current paid NAA members and live in New York, our state affiliation and a Network membership make you eligible for a free NAA membership.  If you prefer, NAA membership may be purchased directly from NAA on a sliding scale from $25 to $150.

The National Afterschool Association (NAA) membership includes:
  • Discounts on afterschool products and services from NAA connections
  • Advocacy resources and advocacy for the profession on your behalf
  • Afterschool Professional Appreciation Week resources
  • Publications – NAA’s Weekly eNews, AfterSchool Today magazine, Journal of Youth Development and more!

Become a member by registering online today!

It is estimated that 50% of your dues are allocable to lobbying.  Membership payments are not tax deductible as charitable contributions, but the remaining 50% may be deductible under other provisions of the IRC. Please consult your tax advisor.