STEAM at The Network for Youth Success

The Network for Youth Success is dedicated to increasing the quality and availability of afterschool and expanded learning programs. Supporting STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineer, Art, and Math) learning is one way that the Network does this.

Science      Technology     Engineer     Art     Math


Million Girls Moonshot

Engage one million girls in engineering practices: that’s the goal of the Million Girls Moonshot. The Network for Youth Success is proud to partner with STEM Next Opportunity Fund and the Charles Stewart Mott Foundation to bring engineering design practices to more children and youth across New York State. This national initiative features resources and partners from across the country to help our communities reach more girls and youth by opening opportunities to do engineering design, meet role models, and participate in groups that support STEAM learning.

New York State Partners

Find your nearest Regional Network of youth programs

Find your nearest STEM Ecosystem


Mini-grants are made possible by National and State partners who are interested in supporting a STEAM project or event in an afterschool program.

In 2024, we were able to support 10 programs through Million Girl Moonshot funding. Follow the link to see the awarded projects.

NY STEAM Girls Collaborative: Our Work

The Network for Youth Success promotes informal Science, Technology, Engineering, the Arts, and Math (STEAM) learning in New York through the NY STEAM Girls Collaborative. This project focuses on connecting expanded learning time with STEAM expertise from K-12 schools, higher education, and businesses.

The initiative has three major activity areas:

  • Maximize access to shared resources within projects, and with public and private sector organizations and institutions interested in expanding girls’ participation in STEAM learning.
  • Strengthen capacity of girl-serving STEM organizations by sharing exemplary practice research and program models, outcomes, and products.
  • Use the leverage of a network and the collaboration of individual girl-serving STEAM programs to create the tipping point for gender equity in STEAM activity (including opportunities, higher learning, and workforce participation).

Prior to our work with the national Girls Collaborative Project, the Network supported STEM learning in New York through the Expand STEM initiative. To learn more about this initiative, visit the Expand STEM homepage.

Resources for Youth Programs

Techbridge Girls

Techbridge Girls is focused on one thing – re-engineering STEM education so girls are inspired and prepared to persist toward their STEM aspirations.

Girls Who Code

Girls Who Code is on a mission to close the gender gap in technology and to change the image of what a programmer looks like and does. They provide activities and projects to engage young people in computational thinking. Please be sure to list New York State Network for Youth Success as your Community Partner on your application for exclusive benefits like extra support, swag and more!

IF/THEN Collection

IF/THEN Collection is a digital asset library of women STEM innovators, for educational and other noncommercial use.


SciGirls Strategies are evidence-based strategies for engaging youth in STEAM learning. SciGirls Connect has resources on STEM activity and concepts emerging from the PBS-TV show SciGirls.

Afterschool Science Plus

Afterschool Science Plus is an inquiry-based science program for use in afterschool centers serving students 6 to 14 years of age. The program’s Activity Guide consists of 11 core activities that focus on physical science and literacy-through-science, using simple materials that are low cost or free, readily available and culturally relevant.

Afterschool Math Plus

Afterschool Math Plus is an evidence-based program that provides fun, real-world mathematics activities for students in grades 3 through 8. Materials include an implementation guide and activity guides designed around four thematic units that engage young people.

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