This exclusive virtual professional development workshop, developed by the National Inventors Hall of Fame, offers the opportunity to participate in a hands-on experience using teaching and learning strategies to incorporate STEM and invention education into the classroom.
Participants will receive their own materials kit to use during the workshop.
– Uncover dynamic teaching techniques that elevate students’ critical thinking and creative problem solving skills
– Dive into the I Can Invent® Mindset, which inspires some of the world’s greatest inventors and also hundreds of thousands of students across the country each year.
About the Presenter:
Polly Jones is a Regional Program Manager working with school districts across New York State. Polly is a former educator who loved promoting creativity and discovery in her classroom. What better place to work after 30 years in education than the National Inventors Hall of Fame (NIHF)! She received her Bachelor of Science in Psychology from Duke University as well as a BS and MLIS from Kent State University.
Linkedin, Facebook @ Polly Jones