Course Description
The School Age Care Credential Course is an in-depth study of competency standards that reflect best practices in after-school programs. This course is specifically designed for individuals currently employed in school age child care programs, who serve children ages 5 to 13 years old. Competency standards demonstrating the ability to nurture children’s physical, social, emotional and intellectual growth will be explored. Major topics include maintaining a safe, healthy learning environment, child development, challenging behaviors, observing and recording, working with families, curriculum development, operational program management, communication, and professionalism. Current theories and trends of working with and educating school age children will be investigated by SACC Candidates. Part 1 covers skill areas 1-7, and Part 2 covers skill areas 8-14.
$1,250.00* per semester. (Two semesters are required)
*** Advisement, Assessment (Endorsement), books and required NYSNYS membership fees are not included.
Method of Instruction
Virtual – Live-Instructor. Class sessions will include lectures, cooperative learning opportunities, whole group discussions, group activities, observations, and use of audio-visual materials. Note: Google Classroom may be used to support learning. All candidates will need a Gmail account and Google Drive with storage to participate.
Tuesdays, 6:30–9:30 pm (some Mondays 6:30-9:30)
Link to Syllabus: