Virtual SACC Prep Course Syllabi

Virtual SACC Prep Course Policies

Course Description

The School Age Care Credential Course is an in-depth study of competency standards that reflect best practices in after-school programs.  This course is specifically designed for individuals currently employed in school age child care programs, who serve children ages 5 to 13 years old.  Competency standards demonstrating the ability to nurture children’s physical, social, emotional and intellectual growth will be explored. Major topics include maintaining a safe, healthy learning environment, child development, challenging behaviors, observing and recording, working with families, curriculum development, operational program management, communication, and professionalism. Current theories and trends of working with and educating school age children will be investigated by SACC Candidates.  Part 1 covers skill areas 1-7, and Part 2 covers skill areas 8-14.  

Required Text

Enrollment in the SAC Credential Course
Individuals enrolling in this course must be 18 years of age or older, have a high school diploma or GED, and must be currently working/volunteering in a NYS OCFS Licensed/Registered program.

Method of Instruction
Virtual – Live-Instructor.  Class sessions will include lectures, cooperative learning opportunities, whole group discussions, group activities, observations, and use of audio-visual materials. Note: Google Classroom may be used to support learning. All candidates will need a Gmail account to access Google Classroom.

Virtual Requirements
This course will take place via Zoom at the dates/times listed in the syllabus.  Candidates must have access to a computer (a tablet or phone is not recommended as it may limit ability to participate), camera, and microphone.  Candidate’s must keep their cameras on and remain in the frame, sign-in, and actively participate to earn NYS OCFS training credit.  Students may not participate while operating a moving vehicle.  Participants must remain in a quiet space that is conducive to learning during each class. Students may not participate while responsible for the supervision of children.

To successfully complete this course, I agree to the following:

Enrollment in the SAC Credential Course

  • I attest that I am 18 or older.
  • I attest that I have a high school diploma or GED.
  • I am currently working/volunteering in a NYS OCFS Licensed/Registered Program.

Regarding Coursework

  • Coursework will be good for two years.  If the candidate does not complete their endorsement in that timeframe they will need to retake the course.
  • Candidates must keep copies of their own work

Regarding the SAC Credential Process


I will take the responsibility to secure – and pay as necessary – my own SAC Credential Advisor – from the approved Advisor list.  If you have someone in mind to be your advisor, who is not on the advisor list, they should apply here.  Advisor qualifications can be found in Chapter 1 of the Manual.


  • On completion of my second semester, I understand that I must pay the $1000 fee prior to my endorsement recording/debrief.  This can be paid via check, credit card, or EIP voucher. This is non refundable.
  • To be assessed, my Policies/Procedures Form, plus $1000 and all other required materials must be received NO LATER THAN May 1 (for spring visit) and NOVEMBER 1 for a visit before the end of the year.
  • To earn and maintain my SAC Credential, I am required join the Network for Youth Success. I can find membership information at:


  • Attendance and participation is expected at all classes. Three (3) consecutive absences
    without communication is considered a withdrawal from the class and EIP will be notified.
  • In the event a candidate must miss a class, he or she must notify the instructor via phone or email.  Make-up possibilities will be discussed with each student individually, and may not be available.
  • Portfolio and resource files are to be handed into the instructor at the assigned due dates.
  • The portfolio, resource file, and advisor observations will serve as a measure of knowledge learned.
  • When all portfolio and resource files are complete, the candidate should send in an application for an endorsement visit.  The endorser will do a final observation (evaluation) of the candidate in their  program.

Regarding Training Hour Credit

  • Students must earn at least 75% of the offered training hours in order to move on.  A student earning less than 27 of the 36 hours, will be required to take the course over.
  • Training hours are assigned based on attendance and engagement.

Virtual Classroom Behavior

To help assure Candidates’ achievement and success, the following are expected of students:

  1. Come to class prepared to participate in the learning experience planned.
  2. Use language that values everyone and is appropriate to the learning situation. 
  3. Support group work by contributing to the task assigned to you.
  4. Submit assignments on time.
  5. Remain attentive to class activities. 
  6. Respect all viewpoints, even those with you do not agree. 

Additional group norms will be established by the class and instructor.

Regarding Payment and Finances

  • Course Tuition is $1,250 per semester, payable by check, credit card and/or EIP voucher to The Network for Youth Success NO LATER THAN THE COURSE START DATE.
  • Candidates are responsible to pay the entire tuition fee regardless of the amount of financial assistance they may receive from EIP.
  • Candidates are responsible for reimbursement to EIP for any unattended classes.
  • Course transcripts will be provided – noting completed activities and training hour credit earned AFTER all outstanding fees have been paid.
  • Requests for duplicate transcripts can be made to and a $25.00 will be charged.
  • A $25.00 fee will be charged for all returned payments.
  • Should a candidate’s organization pay for their tuition prior to the start date, and the candidate becomes no longer employed by that organization before the drop date, the individual must notify the Network regarding change in payment to stay enrolled.  If a candidate is no longer employed by the organization that paid (the payee) and does not notify the Network, the candidate may be withdrawn from the course.  Note: deposits are non-refundable and non-transferable

DOH/OCFS – Enrollment Letters and Other Proof

  • Candidates receive an enrollment letter upon registering online for the virtual course.  This letter should have the required information for DOH/OCFS.  Should this not suffice, please fill out the form below to request another enrollment letter.  These can take several weeks to process.
  • The Network does not furnish weekly reports to OCFS/DOH.  Should your Licensor/Registrar request an update on your progress, they should reach out to

Regarding Withdrawals

Withdrawals must be submitted to ON or BEFORE the drop date.  The drop date is listed on the syllabus. Withdrawals on this date, or beyond will result in tuition charges and EIP being notified. Missing three consecutive classes without communication is considered a withdrawal.

The drop reimbursement is as follows:

  • Drop before the drop date = 100% reimbursement minus the deposit.  The required deposit for this class is non-refundable.
  • Drop after the drop date  = 0% reimbursement

If payment is made using the Educational Incentive Program, the initial terms and conditions for that scholarship apply and the student is responsible for adhering to those guidelines. The required deposit for this class is non-refundable.

Regarding Shared Information

I understand that my instructor, advisor, and/or the Network for Youth Success may contact my program supervisor and/or EIP and/or my program’s licensor/registrar regarding my participation in this course.

Academic Integrity

Candidates are expected to be honest in every aspect of their academic work. All work presented as a candidate’s own, must be the product of his or her own efforts. Plagiarism or any other submission of another’s work as one’s own is unacceptable.


Any issues can be sent via email to Erin@NetworkForYouthSuccess.Org